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On a summer retreat.

Now also in spring, autumn & winter.

Those who say that summer retreats can only be enjoyed in the second half of the year have not yet experienced them with us - summer retreats: also in spring, autumn & winter.

Detailaufnahme Winterstiefel von junger Frau im Schnee aus der Vogelperspektive

Summer retreat

in spring, summer, autmn and winter.

Only here on the Rax.

Schneeberg, Wiener Alpen | © Niederösterreich Werbung/ Andreas Jakwerth
Gegenlichtaufnahme von Wanderern, Silhouetten der Personen und Bäume mit heller Sonne
Nahaufnahme einer jungen Frau im kristallklaren See mit Lächeln im Gesicht und geschlossenen Augen

Summer retreat

in spring, summer, autmn and winter.

Only here on the Rax.

Detailaufnahme Winterstiefel von junger Frau im Schnee aus der VogelperspektiveSchneeberg, Wiener Alpen | © Niederösterreich Werbung/ Andreas JakwerthGegenlichtaufnahme von Wanderern, Silhouetten der Personen und Bäume mit heller SonneNahaufnahme einer jungen Frau im kristallklaren See mit Lächeln im Gesicht und geschlossenen Augen


When the snow melts at the foot of the Rax, everything comes back to life and the  spring flowers blossom - a colourful dream for hikers and mountain bikers. Meanwhile, up above on the surrounding mountains, there’s still enough snow for all those who don't want winter to be over yet.


The meadows smell of hay and dried flowers, the view is clear, the sunsets blaze red in the  evenings. While elsewhere it is unbearably hot, on the banks of the Schwarza the temperature  is just right. From the pebble beaches and sandy banks one can bathe in the crystal clear  water, or simply relax in a deck chair listening to the sounds of the mountain streams.

SPECIALS: Summer time is festival time in Reichenau. Theatre guests and other late arrivals will find something to eat after the show - in summer the kitchen is open late.


In autumn, the woods surrounding the Knappenhof are lit up in thousands of red, yellow and orange tones, and it’s hard to get enough of this incredible sight. Best to go for a walk through the colourful forests, or marvel at the spectacle from one of our rooms with view over the valley.


While in winter the Danube Valley is often shrouded in fog, here at the Knappenhof at 800 m above sea level, the winter sun is shining. Mass tourism, ski lifts or Après-Ski huts are nowhere to be seen. Snow-covered woods and meadows invite cross country skiers and hikers in snow  shoes; untouched slopes cry out for skiers and sledders; our Wellness zone has a sauna and  steam bath; and when it gets dark, there’s the crackling open fire.

SPECIALS: In the winter months one can play icestock sport on the terrace.